My book is out!

Software Patterns, Knowledge Maps, and Domain Analysis

My book is about domain analysis and software patterns. Briefly, it shows how to build software systems as systems of patterns, called Knowledge Maps.

It is now in the global markets. Its publication date was December 2014. Please check it out:

  1. At Amazon.

  2. At CRC Press.

  3. At Taylor & Francis.

Software Patterns, Knowledge Maps, and Domain Analysis
Figure 1. Front cover of my book

The citation (in BibTex) of this book is presented as follows:

      author = {M. E. Fayad, H. A. Sanchez, S. G .K. Hegde, 
                A. Basia, and A. Vakil.},
      title  = {Software Patterns, Knowledge Maps, and 
                Domain Analysis},
      publisher = {Auerbach Publications},
      year      = 2014,
      address   = {Boca Raton, Florida},
      isbn      = {978-1466571433}